As this website is meant more as a fun and recreational site, I tend to exaggerate "a little bit", giving ratings such as "World Best" to certain stall. This phrase was used by a group of friends of mine in our teenage years to describe anything they like very much, I followed them and use it now and then, tongue in cheek. Friends, brothers and sisters, if you do know of any that you think is world best, do let me know too!
The ratings here are "ranked" as follows:
1. World Best - What I personally feel that is the best in the business in that category of food. Some categories may seem weird to have 2 in that category, this is more due to the fact that they are brilliant in different ways, not so much any indecision on my part! Or maybe it is.... 😄😎
2. Must Try - Pretty much what it means, they are so good you must try it, or you cannot consider yourself to have lived in or been to Singapore!
3. Excellent - Very very good, something I often visit myself, and would bring friends and family from overseas to visit without worry of disappointment or feeling to have under sold them.
4. Very Good - Very good and well worth a mention, these always give me joy when I visit them!
5. Good - Worthy of a mention. I try to start with just listing stalls and restaurants I, or people I know, love. Mybe I will slowly include more in the future as a review.
6. Anyone that knows any stall I should give a try, do let me know. At the same time, maybe can give your own rating based on the above for me. We can compare, but as always, got to agree to disagree! Like if you like "thunder tea"... I would probably start on a disagreeing foot! 🤣🤣 I have only known one person who likes this, and we totally cannot agree on anything food wise! 🤣 So whenever we meet, it's for a drink! 😎
Hope you enjoy this site. I will slowly bring this forward as far as my capabilities allow.... Thank you for reaching thus far! Ziggy gives you his paw!